Sharing Sunday – Cheeseburgers and Werewolves
Here we are again! Another Sharing Sunday, this week we’ve got ourselves another American. Tegon wrote his piece as it was inspired by a friend…52 years old who was terrifed of a the dark and possessed a real fear of werewolves and all things that go bump in the night. As it turns out, while a work, he his food everywhere and would secret it out during the course of the day to feed his never satisified hunger…his favourite treat…cheeseburgers. I hope you enjoy the piece. Leave Tegon some love in the comments guys. Cheeseburgers and Werewolves Saturday, October 25 1958… Shortly after my twelfth birthday, my Uncle, who I rarely…
Leaping Over Hill: Second Draft Finished
I did it! My second draft of my novel is finished in it’s entirety! Would you look at that! After having overcome so much it’s almost bittersweet to know that I’m done with it. At least for now. The best part of it too? I shaved off 20,000 words. I say that’s a good redraft effort. It’s funny, things that took me by surprise in this draft was just how immersed I was in it. I’ve missed the better part of last week because I was either immersed in reading and firing my inspiration up or I was writing. I was also moaning about the resistance I kept feeling…