Where to Review Faded Fragments
Looking for where you can review Faded Fragments? We'll you're in luck, this is the place to find all of the places you can do that to.
Indie Bookworm Event Pre-Order
Helloooo, welcome to the pre-order form for Indie Bookworm Event. I will have minimal stock with me on the day, so your best chance is to preorder your copy. This listing will be updated as new items become available. Preorder directions: When you add your selections to the cart select the Indie Bookworm Event from the option to make sure that you are able to pick it up on the day of the event. If it has a link underneath the description then it is available. If it doesn’t it will be available before the event, keep your eyes peeled for it. Discount code: to be unlocked – check the…
Faded Fragments: A Nexus Series Novel
Faded Fragments. Two words that came to me after I decided to change the original name of my novel (fyi it was first dubbed Kiss of The Dead and I used the font Papyrus to write it.) I was 14 when the story first came to mind. It started with a scene and to be honest it started as a result of finally seeing The Mummy and falling more in love with Ancient Egyptian mythology (and a young Brendan Fraser…let’s be real, Rick was and still is the dreamiest man ever). The first draft of FF was messy, it was incomplete and was just a scene with minimal action and…