Writing through the struggles: Camp NaNoWrimo Wrap Up
Camp NaNoWriMo ran for all of April and for those that follow me they know that I’m an avid NaNoWriMo fan. I have done it for the last 6 years and have 6 drafts of novels that I’ve got raided around the place (maybe I have more, I should count) and when I found out about Camp NaNoWriMo and actually remembered when it happened, I decided that I’d tackle it. Two years ago at the start of April I was excited, I was rewriting my novel. The one that I’m looking at that’s a completed draft (world building none withstanding) and I was getting a jump on it after I…
Camp NaNoWriMo
So I’ve spent the last month writing, editing and trying to get two books (maybe three?) done at once. I’m pretty sure I’m burning myself out and it’s actually starting to seem like a bit of a struggle, but I did it for the soul reason that I’m actually doing something to change the rut I’ve been in. It’s made me not want to write a blog post (which means I’ve missed bits and pieces) but here I am, writing about not writing posts, what a conundrum. So with Camp NaNo this month, I was confronted with the fact that the last one I did was cut short because of…
Fiction vs Nonfiction
So I learned something really powerful. Nonfiction absolutely hates me. I mean I like the idea of it and but it just doesn’t like me. And I only say that because I know that I’ve always been better at fiction because I like to make up stories, don’t ask me to lie for you though, I can do it but it will slowly eat me alive. Fiction makes so much sense to me, I had the same trouble with writing essays and even oral presentation because I’m afraid of getting my message across and it was purely because of that that I hated public speaking, it was later remedied with…