NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 9
Work again today and my head was more focused on my essay to…it is due on Sunday and I’m still nutting out this draft because I’m struggling with the sources for my essay but I had a break through today and managed to find some good ones…until I got to the graphic novel part of this essay. Yeah I’m struggling to find some of those sources but I did do a lit review earlier this semester that I’ll have another look at. No stress.
I did just get in a quick little sprint so I feel a bit better having done some sort of creative kind of writing to like counter the essay numbness. It’s not great but it definitely is better than anything else.
Words: 620 (500-600 on the essay)
Distractions: Work…and procrastinating…I bought plants and books. I’m hoping to keep them alive…well the plants anyway.
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