NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 8

Today I’ve done no writing in my NaNo. Still a little brain dead, but I did a little in my essay, not much and not anything really I could talk about, but I did take time to just feel into how I was feeling and what I was feeling. I also had my boyfriend come over and we watched movies. Probably something I needed more than actually writing because my brain was not there at all.

It was also my first day back at work in a week and I have to say it was a bit of a struggle. I needed the break for my sanity and my creativity but, boy, was it hard to get back into it.

Words: 0 (150 essay words)

Distractions: Psh….work…boyfriend…movie…lots.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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