NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 30
The last day of NaNoWriMo 2017 was pretty uneventful. I, unfortunately, had to work all day and it was pretty gross. But I did manage to get some words in which really nice, not really as much as I wanted and I have to admit that the story was finally getting a little easier. I feel like Travis and I were finally getting somewhere and I hope that I’ll be able to get back into it. I have a little more notes now and I’m fleshing out the story. While I’m going to be working predominately on a few other projects I will come back to this one. I’m not going to let Travis get the best of me. He’s a werewolf who will suck it up and let me write his story.
This marks the end of my Nano Diaries, hopefully, you guys enjoyed seeing behind the scenes, I’m not always so good at being productive and this year’s nano has been pretty tough. I’m hoping to do a round up post to close out NaNoWriMo2017.
Words: 1,507
Distractions: Work, appointments, packing.
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