NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 20
Today’s wording was a little more productive between all of the things I had to do, which was actually really nice. My fingers, by this stage were actually itching to get some writing done. Today’s session was tempered a little by the fact that I pulled something in my hand again. Every time I seem to think that it’s on the mend I’ll do something stupid like hold my cast iron skillet, that’s heavy as fuck, and think that it’s all good. Nope. Not today. It’s ok though I managed to get a solid session in.
But the problem that I have now? Or most of the time? My characters have a mind of their own and because they’ve been with me for so very long I really don’t have much of a choice. Travis was supposed to have the big kill off of a major character that would set the whole story up and what happens? The complete opposite. Ugh, why do they do this to me? So, it’s ok I’m accepting it and going with it. I’m really digging Milena though, she’s really sassy so far but I don’t know a lot about her, which is always fun to unpack, but I’m definitely going to make it work.
Words: 2,384
Distractions: I really need to get better about listing these, hey? I went to lunch with my manager and friend and then did loads of washing and folding and watching TV….yeah I’m bad at this. But I did find new music.
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