Forever a Perpetual Student

The Perpetual Student

It’s true when people say that you never stop learning and never can stop learning, I’m taking it literally as well, because I’m a perpetual student.

I’ve got some way exciting news.

I leapt and enrolled into a Masters degree. I was hesitant because it wasn’t in my original plan when I enrolled into my Bachelor degree four years ago but mid way through it I knew I wanted to do it. It was both shocking and refreshing, the only thing? I didn’t know where I wanted to do it. There are so many choices out there and I knew that I didn’t want to go back and do it full time, that was my only consolation. It would be too demanding and with my last degree, I improved on my degree before that, study wise. So I knew that this one would take up more time and I’m dead set on getting a semi permanent job or have a job that is time consuming.

So looking at Universities online was the biggest aspect that attracted me to a degree. I thought I had it narrowed down and I didn’t love the curriculum, but I loved it enough or so I thought until I found the One.

I took one look at the Masters degree at Macquarie University and it had me at hello with it’s mixture of both creative, theory and editing subjects, I was totally sold.

The funny thing about it is that I applied while I was in Bali, already knowing that I wanted. I waited, with baited breath to see whether I was going to get in (I doubted myself but everyone else thought I was a shoo in). I had a high grade, I worked hard through my BWAP to make that happen, but even I doubt my writing skills at time, and that’s okay, but I only give myself a maximum of an hour to doubt that before I tell myself to stop being silly!

So here I am. A student at Macquarie University. Enrolled and studying my Masters in Creative Writing and already blown away by what I’m learning and it’s only been two weeks!

I’m going to be doing regular updates around the blog, excitedly sharing what I’m learning and how it’s changing my writing, because every time I study I discover something more about my writing. I hope you’ll be along for the journey and let me know what you find interesting.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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