Become a Patreon
I’ve been hoarding my Patreon for years, because I’ve been too scared to launch it out into the nest because it meant keeping myself accountable and it meant that I was putting myself out there, but it’s been on my business board for so long and the closer I am getting to releasing my novel, I’m finding more and more things that I have been procrastinating on. This has been one of the biggers ones – along with my shop (which is just more of a fund thing) but I’m done hiding. I’m done making myself smaller because I’m scared. I deserve to get the most out of my talent and I’m ready to do it.
If you’re new to Patreon and the concept behind it here is my really quickly summed up version: basically it’s a monthly subscription to help the creator. They repay with various gifts of shoutouts, items, patron only blogs and BTS moments. This depends on the patreon and the way that it’s set up.
I’ve worked on my offers and they start from as little as $2, that’s less than a coffee a month, and go all the way up to $250. So there is plenty out there for everyone to work with.
So I’m inviting you to come along and support me as I navigate this road as an author as well as a writing mindset coach. Take a look at the different tiers you’ll see that there are some great rewards: a free book, free calls with me and personalised videos.
Once the book is down it’ll switch to focusing on the podcast as I’d love to take the editing out of my hands and into the hands of someone else who can get the best out of my sound, because I can do the basics and it passes the job, but I’m not sitting in my state of genius and I’m tired of that. I want to be able to create and not have to edit it all away. Editing words is easier for me but editing audio is rough. So rough.
I’d love for you to support me. Click here and part with as much as you can.
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