The Artist’s Way – Week 12

I’m so sad, I’ve been putting this wrap up post off for so long because it’s the very last one for The Artist’s Way and I don’t like goodbyes when they’re final. I can do it if I know I’ll see them again and I know that this book will be in my life for all time but I think I’m ready to take a lot of it’s lessons into life and use them to better my creativity and my life. I’m excited to see where I go from here.

Week twelve is all about a recovering a sense of faith; it touches on trusting, mystery, the imagination at play and escape velocity. It’s the perfect way to wrap up this journey because sometimes you do just need to have a little faith and trust that the process is working for you now and will catch you when you fall.

I’m excited for what’s to come.

Morning Pages: I’ve been a little lax on these but I feel like I’m going to keep them in my routine for when I’m not rushing out of the door to go to work or I’ve woken up somewhere not home and don’t have it with me. I’m okay with this and what it means. It’s not quite journaling but it is in some form. I like it.

Artist’s Date: Okay this is where I get real. I am bad at scheduling these into my life and I think it’s time I tried to really do that and put them into my calendar as a non-negotiable. I do it with the gym, why can’t I do it with a date that feels my inner artists?

Synchronicities: I don’t know if this counts but everything seems to be a little easier to do regarding my creative work. It allows me the freedom to move with my ebbs and flows and accept that while I’ve always known that creativity is messy, there is a way that you can work that into your life to make it less messy. I’m excited for what’s to come.

Challenges/Recovery: Just writing this has been a challenge, mostly because it’s the end of this chapter with this book. But I did get here. I made it. And while I wasn’t blocked to begin with I perhaps found that I needed this book and the steps more than I realised. Each mini essay was enough to set into motion so many things about myself and what I need to do and how to do it.

For those who haven’t sat down and done The Artist’s Way, it’s profound and definitely a book every creative needs in their armoury.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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